Monday, 16 February 2009


Do you remember the time when you were little? Say 7-9 years of age?
Did you have this feeling of indestructibility? Whereby nothing can go wrong for you, and even if a problem pops up. You know that somehow you would have the solution to solve the problem. I definitely felt that way and I'm sure most of you would have felt the same way too.
Let's fast-forward the image back to present day time. Don't you immediately sense a bit difference in your attitude right now compared to when you were younger. Interested to know why? Because when we were young, we did not have much experience with the world and hence we had very low limits of what we can actually
dream of, or achieve. The world's our oyster and we seldom carry any worries along with us. We see life as it is and take things one step at a time.
How about now? Yes our bodies have grown, our minds have been exposed to a lot more experiences and we are said to have grown up. But our attitude has been warped and diminished. The constant worrying, how we question our abilities, how we allow our fears to get the better of us. I'm sure you would agree.
The result?
We as grown adults function with limiting beliefs. The other voice in our head feeds us negative and limiting thoughts. Thus hindering what we can really achieve in life.
And that's sad isn't it? Well recently I tried an exercise and it worked amazing wonders. And I would love it if you could give it a try too.
First, find a quiet area to sit down comfortably.Try to remember incidents when you were younger and felt that you could have the whole world, have everything that you wanted, remember the dreams and goals that you had. And how minor problems always tend to solve themselves with a little nudge from you?

Close your eyes now!
Imagine cold buckets of water being splashed over your head now. Sending chills throughout your body. But at the same time, the water flushes always your worries, your limiting beliefs and all that stupid "grown up" talk that you have with yourself. Stand up with Gusto and open your eyes.
Feel refreshed with the power of youth. Feel the power that whatever you set out to do, you will accomplish. And that all problems are merely little issues that you will be able to solve. And from today onwards, take action on the goals and dreams that you have set out for yourself. You will find that amazingly, your attitude to life would have changed drastically.
Repeat this exercise the next day you wake up if this feeling of "power" is no longer there. It'd serve as a “recharger”. And continue repeating this exercise whenever you feel that you need a recharge.

You will immediately see the difference on how life treats you, and even your friends and family will see the wonderful difference.

Now promise me that you will give this a try. It’s not some mumbo jumbo. It’s not "The Secret" though there are some similar foundation points.
”Promise” me you'll try the exercise and watch yourself transform your life inside out.
For those of you who try this exercise, it'll be great if you e-mail me back and let me know how this works out well for you.
Looking forward to your reply, and remember... anything you want is within your grasp.

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ROSS, NLP Spiritual Life Coach

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