Monday, 16 February 2009


Can I really change my life?

People are always surprised on my Seminars when we heal lifelong phobias in a relative short space of time, or clear up supposedly “deep-seated issues” in just a few weeks. But most people can think a time when their lives changed in just a few moments. Perhaps it was getting a new piece of important information, or meeting a special someone and knowing that your life would never again be the same.
Change can happen so quickly provided you get rid of all the blocks that prevent you from making such a change in your life. The main block, to my mind, is fear: fear of not achieving the change I want, fear of what people I am relating with might say. The other block sometimes or often times is the lack of information and resources, time and lack of commitment. The other block may also be sticking to what is familiar, known, comfortable and easy, of not taking an “intelligent” risk. All this is related basically to fear.
Here is the reason why change can happen so easily and quickly:

The changes that matter most are more often changes in perception than changes in the world outside us.

And we can change the way we perceive ourselves and the world around us in a split second.

The myth that it takes a long time to change especially when you are already “old”, when you are sick and tired and tired of being sick, when you lack financial resources and when you do not posses the right information or a contact person. Even when we are old and on top of that, we lack so and so things and people, we can easily take that change we’ve been longing for ages. It only takes the willingness to change. And with your willingness, you can easily make that change. As Henry Ford said “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.” Simply put, if you think you can, you’re right; and if you think you can’t, you’re right too. Which would you rather believe in? I can or I can’t? The choice is yours! The truth is that these things and people have nothing to do with change at all but, what you believe in!
I firmly believe that these are but simply infantile excuses for not taking such a change in our lives. This myth that it takes a long time to change has only been around for about a hundred years, when Freudian analysis became the dominant influence in the treatment of psychosomatic illness. What makes this viewpoint ironic is that psychoanalysis is really about changing people but, it’s more to do with helping them gain a deeper understanding of why they are the way they are. In the Seminars I am doing, understanding is the booby prize!
Sometimes even a small change can make a great deal of difference. For example, you and another person are driving along two straight roads, stretching side by side off into the infinite distance. Now imagine that on of those roads shifts even a little bit away from the other. At first the difference might seem imperceptible. But over time, that small change in direction and perception would take you to a completely different destination from the other person.
The techniques I am offering you are state of the art, so to speak, not only the latest software but also a whole range of new operating system for your body and mind.
Each and every day, you will make minute changes, changes that may be imperceptible to you at first. But as you continue moving forward, you will begin to realise just how far you have already come and just how much you have changed.
Let’s face it – if you do with virtually anything consistently for the space of thirty days it will change you. What makes this system different is that many of the techniques you will be learning and putting into practice will go on working, helping you long after you stop using them. Guaranteed! Over the next thirty days (the only amount of time you need along with your commitment) the action you take will set up a range of change in your life that will in turn affect many other areas of your life be it personal, professional, financial, social and spiritual, which in turn affect others around you. Just like an oil tanker takes a little while to start moving it becomes difficult to stop once it builds up sufficient momentum.
For centuries people had thought it was impossible to run a four-minute mile. Then on 6th May 1954, Roger Bannister did what all great pioneers do – he made the “impossible” happen. How amazing it was that within a year of him breaking the four-minute mile, thirty-seven other people around the world had done so as well. In the following year, an incredible three hundred runners broke through that previously impenetrable barrier.
The finest minds of all ages had believed it was impossible to do, and their beliefs became a self-fulfilling prophecy. (Some noted scientists actually suggested that the human body would explode if pushed to go faster than a four-minute mile!)
It only took one example to counter prove – one person proving that what they had previously thought could not be done was possible – for virtually everyone else to tap into that possibility within themselves.
The human mind generalises as a learning principle. For instance, as a child you learn how a door opens and closes. Your mind then generalises that learning to apply to all doors everywhere.
This works equally well whether the learnings are useful or painful. Over the next seven days, we (i.e. you and me) are going to dismantle many of the negative generalisations or as I call limiting beliefs you have made o have about you and the world around and build positive or empowering ones.

My Personal Life Story

I became interested in all things related to self-improvement shortly after I did my Ph.D. in Linguistics at the University of Cambridge, England. In fact, it didn’t take long for me to read nearly “every” self-help book published as well as unpublished articles, try virtually “every” technique, from meditation techniques such as RajYoga Meditation of the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University, Kri Yoga Meditation of the Self Realization Fellowship, Zen Meditation, Transcendental Meditation to homeopathic alternatives to Shamanic practices even to the point of being an active member of nearly all organised as well as non-organised religions and their different Christian branches from The Seventh Day Adventists to Church of God, Jehova’s Witnesses, The Church of Christ to Mormons and Hare Krishna and apply some of their “religious” beliefs to my own life till up to now that seem to be working for me. As a result, my life changed dramatically for the better. In fact, since I began using the techniques I am about to share with you, I quickly noticed an immense improvement in my confidence, finances, career, relationships and the way people treated me. I became healthy both body and mind and my life became infinitely more exciting, glamorous, vibrant, energetic, enthusiastic, positive, healthier than when I was between twenty-five and twenty-eight - all in a relatively short space of time. I am not at all, in any way, suggesting that you need to go through all this to be self-improved, far from my intention. In fact, you do not need do such things. What I firmly believe now is just a simple, conscientious awareness of whatever you need to improve yourself and commit to it seriously. Without that commitment, nothing will ever happen to you.
All of the “best” techniques that I used and currently using to create the life I live to this very day are here in this very article you are reading right now! My purpose in life, my life, that is, is to help you get greater control of yourself and your life. Since 1992, seven years after finishing my Ph. D., I have been working on a “revolutionary” self-improvement system through Seminars and Self Coaching sessions I’m about to share with you that will work for everyone. The unique success-conditioning system you are about to learn has been perfected – you will begin making profound changes within the very first day.
Best of all, you can relax and take in your stride – It’s very easy and simple, and you don’t have to have any previous experience, skill or ability. In fact, if can close your eyes, able to talk to yourself and others, and move your body, you can control your thinking and behaviour, and finally you can live the life of your dreams. All you need to do is follow my proven instructions step by step, even if at times you’re not sure you’re gettingt it right. Together, we are going to design and install “positive, empowering software” for your mind!

The Power of the Present Time, called NOW

This is an exciting time in history. Our physical world is transforming every day. The scientific and technological advances and breakthroughs that are taking place all around us are increasing at an alarming speed. We, as a human race, are connecting over great distances, exploring and re-shaping our world. Journeys that used to take years are now done in minutes. The question is not will your life change but, what will it change into?
Right at this very moment we live in a digital information age. Faxes, mobile phones, computers and satellite technology, unthinkable even fifty years ago, are now considered a normal part of modern-day twenty-first century life. Something happens on one side of the globe and we can watch it on our TV screens in no time. Global communications systems can connect mind to mind like nerve cells in a huge global brain. Whatever it is we are going, we are going there fast and quick!
We stand on the threshold of an enormous quantum leap in our evolution, and I do believe that the next great stage in human development will be a move out of the information age and into a new time where people will begin to develop their inner resources. I call this time the age of psycho-technology – a time when we will begin to unleash the amazing powers and inner abilities that we are all born with. I see the understanding and practice of psycho-technology as being like having the owner’s manual for your brain.
Sadly enough, most people spend more time learning to work their DVD than do their own mind. By taking the next month to read and practise the exercises in this article, you are marking yourself out as distinct from the 98 per cent of people who, to quote Winston Churchill, “Stumble over the truth from time to time...

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