Monday, 16 February 2009


Focus on the 'what', and the 'how' will be taken care of

Focus on the 'what', and the 'how' will be taken care of. Remember, you are more than you think you are.

When you focus (thought plus emotion) on what you want, with a positive expectation of success, you activate the power of your unconscious mind, and the 'hows' start showing up, often without you even trying to figure them out.

This is not to say you won't need to do anything, but you can relax, detach from outcome, and trust your intuitive impulses about what to do. I used to think of something really cool I wanted to have, do, (create or) be, then I'd immediately start thinking of all the reasons it wouldn't work, and that I didn't know how to do it etc.

This was just fear, and there is nothing to fear!, Mike. Like attracts like, so start feeling how you'll feel when what you want is already here. Focus on the 'what' and the 'how' will be taken care of.

I’ve got one exercise for you …


"When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself.”
— Wayne Dyer

Try this little experiment. Spend a few minutes thinking about someone or something you dislike intensely — you know, that person or circumstance that makes your entire body feel tense — and then look in a mirror. Notice the dullness in your eyes, the way the corners of your mouth turn downward, the slight droop of your shoulders. Now let all thoughts of this person or situation go and think instead of someone or something you truly appreciate and enjoy — you know, the person or circumstance that fills your heart with an overwhelming sense of delight. Just embrace that person or situation in your mind for a moment and then look in the mirror again. Notice how the sparkle has returned to your eyes, the way your lips now curve to suggest a smile, and the upward, confident tilt of your chin.
The first reflection in the mirror is the reflection of judgment, the way you look when you focus on the wrongs you perceive around you. The second reflection is the way you look when you allow love to flow.
These are the ways you define yourself to the world, so the question to ask is this: Do you want to be defined by the flaws you see? Or the love you give?
May you always be defined by love.
And may you always be aware that you are loved beyond measure and a cherished blessing to me.
May your day be filled with all things good, and may you be with the ONE!

Have a fantastic day,
Best wishes

_ _ _ _ _
ROSS, LNP Spiritual Life Coach

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