Thursday, 19 February 2009

The following articles and courses deal with
Spiritual Life Coaching
By Ross Galán
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'What one can be, one must be.' - Abraham Maslow
We are living in challenging times when the tremendous fear around us can provoke fear and insecurity within.
The choice facing you is simple: you buy into the paranoia and put your dreams and desires on hold for some 'better time' or you develop new strengths, new skills, new attitudes and new ways of looking at life.
Listening to conversations and working with clients, it's clear that when the times get tough, people divide abruptly into two camps. One takes up the challenges of the times, stretches, rises and adapts.
The other backs down, shrinks and withdraws, waiting for some 'better time.'
Master of your destiny or Victim of your history? You decide.
It's the same with businesses. Last week, on a Thursday night, I ate at a West End London restaurant - the food was sublime, the champagne exquisite and the room dark and beautiful in that French café way.
During the evening only two other tables were taken. My friend, a restaurant critic, explained that all of the above just isn't enough
‘en c’est moment’ .
She listed central London restaurants that would be full at that moment and others that would be similarly empty, and pointed out the reason. The busy ones were responding to the credit crunch challenge by offering brilliant deals and giving diners good reasons to come out and dine there.
Our restaurant, whilst wonderful, was making no special effort to stand out and attract custom. I wish it well, and hope the owner wakes up in time.
Don't give up on your goals and dreams, just because 'the time isn’t right.'
You can make 2009 the year to uncover a whole new you for the better. NOW is the perfect time to take charge of your life.
Give fear a break - one day at a time. Become a master in your own life by awakening to your own fears and moving beyond your limitations.
To support you in doing this, Winning Mindset 3-course package.
See below:

Winning Mindset Package
Real power comes from knowing what YOU want, really believing that you can achieve it - and then taking action to ensure that you do. This 3-Course Package consists of the following six-week sessions:

· Get Motivated
Motivation is the hidden dynamo that keeps you focused and on target no matter how many set backs or deviations you may take.

· Programme For Success
Learn how to practice techniques from Neuro Linguistic Programming and begin to take control of your mental and emotional states.

· Indestructible Self-Belief
Great self-believers have the edge. They carry within a formidable advantage over the average person.
This package incorporates the techniques that have helped high achievers in the business and sporting world to get where they are. It can do the same for you.

Master Your Mentality

1. Turn off the news
At the very least reduce your exposure to bad news and the media's job is to report - overwhelmingly - bad news, on the worst conditions possible. Unless you are already a master of your mentality and can filter out the news, turn it off.

2. Stop listening to others
Friends and colleagues can reinforce what's going on in the media. Don't argue with them, but don't buy into their interpretation of the world. If you're contemplating a brave move, seek the opinion of another brave person - not one living in fear.

3. Believe, believe, believe in yourself
This is the time to get behind yourself and forge on with dreams and desires. I find that many people will never take action toward their goals and aspirations because they simply don't believe in themselves or that they deserve whatever it is they want.

4. Concentrate on service
Don’t make it all about the money. Focus on the contribution that you can and must make to others. What are the services and gifts you have that others need? Your world needs you. Give, give, give.

5. Don't go it alone
Choose a great, inspiring influence to support your highest ambitions and grandest version of yourself. I would personally work with any 0f you.
These Tips are provided by Ross Galán.
Read the full version of these Tips below on ‘Mastering Your Mental State’ .

Top Tips to Get to Yes!

1. Control Your Self-Talk
Researchers have found that the average person thinks as many as 50,000 thoughts a day. Many of those thoughts are negative: 'I'm not management material... I'll never lose weight... It doesn't matter what I do, nothing ever works out for me.'
Psychologists call this 'victim language.' Victim language keeps you in a victim state of mind. It is a form of self-hypnosis that lulls you into a belief that you are unlovable and incompetent.
To get what you want from life, you need to give up this victim language and start talking to yourself like a winner: 'I can do it... I know there is a solution... I am smart enough and strong enough to figure this out... Everything I eat helps me maintain my perfect weight.'
Your subconscious mind is like the crew of a ship. You are its captain. It is your job to give the crew orders. And when you do this, the crew takes everything you say literally.
The crew (your subconscious) has no sense of humour. It just blindly follows orders. When you say, 'Everything I eat goes straight to my hips,' the crew hears that as an order: Take everything she eats, turn it into fat and put it on her hips!
On the other hand, if you say, 'Everything I eat helps me maintain my perfect body weight,' the crew will begin to make that into reality by helping you make better food choices, exercise, and maintain the right metabolism rate for you body.
This power of your subconscious mind is the reason you must become vigilant and pay attention to your spoken and internal statements. Most people don't realise they are committing negative self-talk, which is why it is best to enlist another person - a friend or coach - to help you monitor your speaking.

2. Use Affirmations To Build Self-Confidence
One of the most powerful tools for building self-worth and self-confidence is the repetition of positive statements until they become a natural part of the way you think.
These 'affirmations' act to crowd out and replace the negative orders you have been sending your crew (your subconscious mind) all these years. When you wake up, lie still for two minutes and repeat the following:
I am (bloody) brilliant!
I am great!
I am unique!
I am incredible!
I like me!
I am worth it!
I am highly intelligent!
I am attracting all the right people into my life!

Do this because no one else may say it to you during the day. Valuing yourself is the single most important thing you can do to make your life - and career - work.

3. Be Happy Now
Rhonda Byrne, creator of ‘The Secret’ wrote: 'I want to let you in on a secret to The Secret. The shortcut to anything you want in your life is to BE and FEEL happy now! It is the fastest way to bring money and anything else you want into your life.'
Don’t make the mistake of putting happiness on hold. And one of the quickest ways to get happier quickly is to count your blessings.
Absolutely. List ten things you are grateful to have in your life, right now.
And lifting your morale, raising your vibration, lightening your spirit, will attract more opportunities and good fortune than a miserable outlook. Funny that.

4. Get Over Failure
I have never thought I couldn’t do something. Not everything I’ve done has worked out. So what? I’d rather be a person who has a go than someone who’s too scared to try.
Be prepared to fail and learn from your failures. And, for goodness sake, park them. Don’t cart a failure/failures around with you as a warning to all or as a punishment to yourself.
You had the guts, spirit, ambition, motivation, decency, or whatever it was, to have a go. Brilliant. Respect! Lessons learnt. Onwards!

5. Get On With It
Imagine I’ve waved my magic wand. You believe in yourself. You have a deep-seated feeling that you can do it. You are good enough. Now what? What do you want? Not sure?
Grab a pen and a scrap of paper – right now. Without thinking about it, write this down - 'If I believed in myself I’d...'
Complete the sentence as often as you like. You might get one answer; you might get heaps; you might get one or more repeated. Now what?
You decide!
I’d encourage you to get on with it. The need for fulfilment won’t go away because the country is having an economic downturn. And, at the risk of repeating a cliché - you’re more likely to be successful and prosper doing something you enjoy and your heart is in than sticking at something that makes you miserable - 'for security.'

Dreams Can Come True – Patricia's Story
I worked with Patricia about a year ago. She wanted to pursue her passion for art and design; something she had a flair for but had neglected due to a demanding and successful management career.
She is a fabulous example of getting-on and doing what you want or dream you can do. She has launched a fabulous handbag business.
I realised that I had to stop just focussing on work, work, work and that I could do things other than just work if given the confidence and time to think about it. I set a challenge: 'Pick something to make before our next session. 'A s someone who likes a challenge, I decided to make a handbag..."

Have a great day and remember - NOW is the perfect time to take charge of your life!

Very best wishes,

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'As the physically weak man can make himself strong by careful and patient training, so the man of weak thoughts can make them strong by exercising himself in right thinking.' James Allen
The most important single quality you need in our hysterical times is belief in yourself.
You have to believe that you've got what it takes to be able to pull it off. Whether you call it self-esteem, self-confidence, or self-assurance, it's the deep-seeded belief that you have what it takes - the abilities, inner resources, talents, and skills to create your desired results.
Believing in Yourself IS an Attitude. You can develop that attitude over time. It's up to you to take charge of your own self-identity and your beliefs.
It's reassuring to know that the latest brain research now indicates that with enough positive self-talk and positive visualization combined with the proper training, coaching, and practice, anyone can learn to do almost anything.
You must choose to believe that you can do anything you set your mind to - anything at all - because, in fact, you can!
Ultimately, you must learn to control your self-talk, eliminate any negative and limiting beliefs, and maintain a constant state of positive expectations. Easy! Well, it gets easier with practise.
When I work with clients, brushing up on their self-belief is often a part of the work, because new challenges inevitably provoke the question, 'Can I do it?'
Yes you DEFINITELY can! Below, you'll find my top five tips on getting to 'Yes'! Some of these may be familiar to you, but that's because they're the absolute basics that we all need reminding of from time to time.
If your own self-belief could do with a little beefing up, then there's no substitute for discussing your situation with a great coach, and getting the best possible insight and support.
I've put together an affordable self-belief personal coaching package that will help eliminate any feelings of insecurity or self-doubt you may have, and ensure you are up to the challenge of our interesting times - see details below.
It's also a topic that's covered in my Emotional Intelligence Seminars and Spiritual Life Coaching sessions, Indestructible Self-Belief, which is part of Winning Mindset package, and for more information on that, see below.

Self-Belief Personal Coaching Package
Times are tough, the job market is shaky, and the economy uncertain.
It's never been more important to have the kind of personal resilience and self-belief that allows you to roll with the times and to overcome set-backs, and succeed despite the current climate.
To support you, my coaching sessions are offering a 3-session package that will empower you to become more robust, and capable of taking on any challenge life can throw at you.
· Personal coaching or Life Coaching allows you to focus one-to-one on your current needs, eliminating the beliefs and actions that prevent you from fulfilling your true potential.
· Coaching gives you a confidential space to discuss your concerns without fear of being judged, and to formulate action plans that will steer you towards your goals, while uncovering your innate talents and skills that will help you to stay on top.
· My experiences coaching can support you across the full range of issues, whether you're on the hunt for a new job, a new career path, or simply want to get ahead in your existing field. You choose the destination, and your coach will support you every step of the way.

Indestructible Self-Belief
Self-belief and self-esteem are your secret allies. You've just got to be able to turn them on and boost them when you need them most. They are part of the armoury of all people who achieve great things.
To win at anything in life, your greatest battle is with yourself. Your most powerful enemy is within. Your greatest ally is there also. The person who has the weapon to make you win or lose is YOU.
Your weapon is your mind. Your mental approach makes you strong or weak, tough or flabby. Conquering yourself is the ultimate challenge.
This course will:
* Assess your current levels of self-esteem
* Challenge your current opinions and beliefs about yourself
* Help you build a new, strong and positive self-image,
* Build indestructible levels of self-esteem and self-belief
* Enable you to deal with the difficulties that life throws at you
* Start you on the road to building a new and fabulous life
* Great self-believers have the edge. They carry within a formidable advantage over the average person. They know how to dig deep and muster additional resources and back-up when called to. They never lose. They always live to fight another day. They always come through.

Even if you identify yourself as one of the great self-believers, you’ll still be eager to run a check on your current levels to ensure you’re in peak condition!
Self belief is your secret ally. You've just got to be able to turn it on, boost it when you need it most.
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Winning Mindset Package
Real power comes from knowing what YOU want, REALLY believing that you can achieve it - and then taking action to ensure that you do. This 3-Course Package consists of the following six-week online courses:

· Get Motivated
Motivation is the hidden dynamo that keeps you focused and on target no matter how many set backs or deviations you may take.
· Programme For Success
Learn how to practice techniques from Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and begin to take control of your mental and emotional states.
· Indestructible Self-Belief
Great self-believers have the edge. They carry within a formidable advantage over the average person.
This package incorporates the techniques that have helped high achievers in the business and sporting world to get where they are. It can do the same for you.

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Top Tips to Get to Yes!
1. Control Your Self-Talk
Researchers have found that the average person thinks as many as 50,000 thoughts a day. Many of those thoughts are negative: 'I'm not management material... I'll never lose weight... It doesn't matter what I do, nothing ever works out for me.'
Psychologists call this 'victim language.' Victim language keeps you in a victim state of mind.
To get what you want from life, you need to give up this victim language and start talking to yourself like a winner - 'I can do it...'

2. Use Affirmations To Build Self-Confidence
One of the most powerful tools for building self-worth and self-confidence is the repetition of positive statements until they become a natural part of the way you think.
These 'affirmations' act to crowd out and replace the negative orders you have been sending your crew (your subconscious mind) all these years.

3. Be Happy Now
Rhonda Byrne, creator of The Secret wrote: 'I want to let you in on a secret to The Secret. The shortcut to anything you want in your life is to BE and FEEL happy now! It is the fastest way to bring money and anything else you want into your life.'
Don't make the mistake of putting happiness on hold. And one of the quickest ways to get happier quickly is to count your blessings.

4. Get Over Failure
I have never thought I couldn't do something. Not everything I've done has worked out. So what?
I’d rather be a person who has a go than someone who’s too scared to try. Be prepared to fail and learn from your failures. And then, for goodness sake, park them.

5. Get On With It
Imagine I've waved my magic wand. You believe in yourself. You have a deep-seated feeling that you can do it. You are good enough. Now what? What do you want? Not sure?
Grab a pen and a scrap of paper - right now. Without thinking about it, write this down - 'If I believed in myself I'd ....' Complete the sentence as often as you like.
These Tips are provided by Ross Galán.

Ross's Coaching
I am often asked whether I still work with individual clients. Yes, I do!
I have a small practice and work with no more than five clients at a time. I rarely have gaps, so usually refer client inquiries to my wonderful experiences here.
I think I could be the best coach for your situation. I'll get back to you.
That's it for now. Have a terrific week and how about spending the week trying on the "Yes You Can!” feeling? Go on! Let's all do it together.
Park disbelief and self-doubt - one day at a time, one hour at a time.
Breathe and repeat - Yes I Can!

All best wishes,


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Change & Motivation
Motivation is the key to all success. It'll take you anywhere, to do, be or have anything. Really! You need to get motivated or you won't achieve much. People behave differently when they're motivated. It's not discipline that lets you drop ten kilos, give up smoking, take up running, start your own business. It's motivation.
Motivation is the hidden dynamo that keeps you focused and on target no matter how many set backs or deviations you may take. Motivation is your power source, your engine – you’re very own secret ingredient, the thing that sets you apart from everyone else.
Go on, let yourself get excited.
Take your time and savour every detail. You've seen the future, and it's fabulous! You've got things to look forward to, so how could you not be inspired? And guess what? Your enthusiasm, optimism and vitality will draw you towards the very things you desire.

Get Motivated
Motivation is the hidden dynamo that keeps you focused and on target no matter how many set backs or deviations you may take. It's your power source, your engine – you’re very own secret ingredient, the thing that sets you apart from everyone else.
Without motivation it doesn't matter how many books you read, what you study, or how many opportunities come your way, things just won't 'happen' for you.
Motivation is the key that unlocks the door to success, it's your x-factor. Have it and you have a chance. Without it you simply don’t.
With this course you will learn:
* To become truly focused on the future you really want
* To harness the amazing power of your imagination
* To overcome the gremlins that threaten to sabotage your progress
* To focus your time and resources on constructively getting things done
* To develop rock solid systems for achieving your goals

Anyone can become a highly motivated person. This course is your first step to becoming motivated, bringing balance to your life and achieving the success you know you are capable of but that seems at times so elusive.
Don't leave it to chance - get motivated about your success today.
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Life & Living
Life is a complicated business these days, with many people juggling work, home and leisure commitments and often feeling they are getting the best out of none of them.
Maybe you would like more time to relax or to pursue a special interest, perhaps you want to look and feel better or could it be you just want to feel on top of things for a change?
Help is at hand!
We have courses and many articles to start you on the road to the lifestyle you always imagined having but somehow never managed to make a reality. Start changing now - the tools are all here!
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Your Career & Work
Work takes up a heck of a lot of our time, so it's seems a good idea to ensure that work works for us. No amount of money can compensate for wasted years of unhappiness and resentment stuck in the wrong career.
Often people don't dare to stray out of their comfort zone, where everything is safe and familiar, for fear of what would happen if they leave. But when the comfort zone starts feeling like the dead zone, it's time to come back to life again.
Is your career working for you?
If it isn't, what are you going to do about it?
Read the articles below and see how some people have made tremendous change in their careers and found that greater job satisfaction is not just possible - it is essential.
One of our online courses may help you to make the changes you need, or perhaps a few sessions with a coach will motivate you. Whatever you chose to do about it, don't do nothing!
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Love & Relationships
Love, relationships, dating, meeting interesting people - all of us want to find love and to have a happy relationship, but it is not always easily achieved!
Perhaps you are in a relationship right now that needs a little 'tweaking' or maybe you are ready for a new relationship? In either case understanding who you want to be in your relationship is vitally important if any relationship is to flourish and grow.
It's not just about the type of partner you have or are looking for. It's about having clarity about who you want to be in relationship.
Whether you want to work on an existing relationship or learn how to create a new one that really works, there are tools here that are sure to help.
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Money & Finance
Money is a touchy subject for most people. Those that have it tell us it can't buy happiness or love, but that doesn't stop most people working overtime to get it.
Money is a recurring obstacle standing between people and their goals. Whether someone wants to retrain for a new career, start a business, meet someone new, or de-stress their lives, money always figures in the equation.
Don't let financial chaos, mounting debt or poor money management hold you back. Use these resources to start getting to grips with your finances - you can control and use your money, don't let it control you
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Health & Wellbeing
Taking good care of yourself is central to living a happy and successful life. The healthier you are the more energy you have, the more alive you feel and the more enthusiastic, optimistic and positive you are about life.
Your physical health and your inner well-being and not separate entities, each is dependent on the other and taking care of both is vital.
Don't take your health for granted, protect it, support it, feed it, take care of it.
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Home & Family
Family life is meant to be a pleasure, home should be where we go to recharge our batteries and be with the people we love.
But it is often complicated. Relationships don't always last, money management can be difficult with so many conflicting demands on the family budget and always we worry about about doing our best for the kids.
We have assembled a series of resources that can help you and your family to get them most from life, whatever your circumstances.
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Relaunch Your Life
Are you tired of the life you are living? Is your life out of control? What or who in your life is bad for you?
You have the power to change your life. Not tomorrow, not next month, not next year – but today.
The course is especially suited to those who feel "stuck", especially if this is as a result of life events such as bereavement or abuse or due to loss of confidence. It is designed to help you make the tough choices in life - the ones that you keep putting off because it is just too hard.
In six weekly modules this course will:
Help you analyze what is going right (and wrong) in your life
Evaluate what changes you need to make
Assist you with learning how to “own” your past and “create” an exciting future
Assist you in forming a new identity consistent with your values and goals
Follow through with the plan to change your life
Help you celebrate the victories you have achieved
Turning your life around is not an easy process. It is, however, a process that is definitely worth the effort.
Alan Cohen said: “It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power.”
You CAN turn your life around.
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Programme for Success
This broad-ranging course is a foundation stone for successful living that everyone should have.
Taking control of your mental and emotional states is one of the most powerful things you can ever do for yourself. This course teaches you the most effective, cutting-edge techniques that modern psychology has to offer for controlling how you think about yourself and your future.
Using methods from NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) you will learn to control your thoughts and your behaviours so that match your true beliefs about yourself and the direction you intend your life to take.
By the end of the course it will not just be you who thinks differently - your friends, family and work colleagues will see a new and more focused person as well.
During the course you will:
Find out about your true values and create a list of the beliefs that will guide you life
Learn about and put into practice to change the way you think about yourself and the world
Discover how to stop procrastinating forever and become self-motivated
Develop confidence about handling even the most difficult people and situations.
Learn how to manage yourself to get the very best out of yourself. You have the opportunity to live out your potential - always and forever!
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Goal Setting
Want to be one of the lucky people? Ever wondered how some people always seem to achieve every one of their fantastic goals, while others make do with repeated half-hearted attempts?
Well, now you can join those who succeed, because it has nothing to do with luck and everything to do with you. People who are achievers know where they are going long before they get there, and their arrival is no accident. Without clear goals and a plan for reaching them you don't stand a chance of ever attaining the life you deserve and dream about.This course will:

* Help you to define what it is you really desire
* Show you how to prepare a roadmap for achievement
*Develop the focus, clarity and awareness you need to make your dreams come true
* Enable you enjoy setting goals
* Show how you can get the results you deserve
* Help you to get what you truly want out of life

Unless you really know and understand where it is you want to be, you are never going to get there. The first step on any road to achievement and success is defining what success means to you.
Start your journey today - who knows where you will end up?
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Land that Job!
It's a competitive world out there, and it seems especially so when the competition is for that job that you really, really want. Your job, your career and your future are far too important to leave to chance - you must be in complete control to give yourself the very best opportunities for career success.
This is a practical and action-packed course which will get you focused on the things that really matter in the job hunting scene.
Week by week you will build the skills you need to compete and win in the job marketplace, identifying opportunities, planning your strategy and giving yourself the best possible chance of landing the prize.

With this course you will:
** Learn how capturing that perfect job is not just possible, but fun
** Discover how to create a killer CV/resume
** Find out the tricks of the trade to get yourself noticed
** Prepare for and achieve the perfect interview
** Learn now to 'just happen' to be in the right place at the right time!
** Create a blueprint for managing your career from now on

As a bonus you’ll increase your confidence and make friends along the way!
Start the journey that will be your passport to job satisfaction and success!

Your Brilliant Career
To have a brilliant career isn’t just about being really good or clever at your job. It's far more than that.
It's about how you behave at work, who you talk to, how you carry yourself, the confidence you exude, the attitude and mindset you have towards yourself and your career.
* Are you getting regular promotions at work?
* Do you stand out at work?
* Do people regularly ask and value your advice or opinion?
* Would you say you are the best of your peers?
* Do you regularly get recognised for your work?
* Would you like to be asked stand in for your manager when he/she is away?
* Would you like to be more assertive in meetings and be able say what you think?

This course is all about achieving these and much more.
When you complete the six modules you will transform yourself into someone who is in total control of their career, someone who stands out from the crowd and someone has influence in their organisation – all of which means that you really will progress in your career. You will identify where you are headed in your career, what you need to do and how you need to behave to get there.
When you transform yourself in this way your career will just take off.
You will not be one of the thousands of people who are working long hours but getting nowhere. You won’t be one of those people who only just manage to cope at work, never getting the interesting work or the promotion. You won’t be waiting for opportunities to come to you – instead you’ll be creating them all the time because you will be in control of your career.
Great careers don’t just happen. They require planning, work and action and a bit of luck.
So let’s build that amazing career!

Confidence & Charisma for Life
A confident new you simply brimming with get up and go, a fabulous new zest for life, sure of yourself and the World around you.
Sound good? You better believe it!
In this course Mike Blissett takes you on a journey of self-discovery around yourself, identifying your strengths and learning to best use them and appreciate them, finding your weak spots and discovering how to eliminate them or strengthen them.
This is a course that will change the way you think about yourself and the way you relate to the world.
You will:
** Discover what exactly charisma is and how to develop it
** Create a personal plan to move you forward to a new you
** Learn how to overcome shyness and develop real and lasting confidence
** Stop procrastinating and start taking effective action for change
** Make your new confidence and charisma last for a life time

Your self beliefs and the values that motivate you, or those that don’t, will be thoroughly cleared out and re-sorted. The result? Your confidence will soar. The World will be your oyster. You will shine.
There is only one prerequisite for this course - you must be willing to suspend self-doubt and to enjoy the journey!
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Express Yourself!
Getting on with people, coming across well, being a good listener are all vital people skills. Without them, we jeopardise our progress in life.
We all know that business and personal success comes to those who have the knack of getting on with people. Sounds simple, but communicating effectively and being able to create true win-win scenarios is an art, a skill that few of us possess without being actively coached through it.
This course will teach you:
Specific techniques and approaches for communicating effectively and powerfully, at home and at work
How to establish clear boundaries
How to avoid the pitfalls of poor communication
To communicate clearly and with maximum impact
When and how to really listen effectively
The art of effective written communication
Apply the principles and rules that you'll find during each week of the course and, with practise, you'll become a Master of powerful communication!
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Relationship Recovery
The break-up of a relationship can be devastating and really knock you for six. It can feel as though your life has come to a standstill and you will never be free of pain again. The world can seem like a strange, lonely and sometimes terrifying place.
This course was specifically written for those of you in the aftermath of a relationship break-up to help you to recover and come out the other end not just feeling stronger and more able to cope but looking forward eagarly to a new and brighter future!

During the six weeks of the course you will:
** Start to face up to the reality of your situation and to accept it fully
** Learn how to put the past and all its baggage where it belongs, in the past
** Face up to and overcome your fears about the future
** Make preparations to move on with the rest of your life in a positive and constructive way
** Put support structures in place to help you build your new life
** Get excited about your new future with all its amazing possibilities

This course will enable you to see this crisis in your life not as the end of something but as the beginning of a promising and exiting new phase of your life.
Don't stay stuck, take the first step on the road to a new, brighter and better life today!
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Time to Live
Are there never enough hours in the day to do all the things you want to do? Do you sometimes find yourself running to stand still?
Can you imagine knowing the secrets of taming time so that you consistently produce the results you want in your work and your life? Can you imagine consistently maintaining your focus and eliminating distractions? What about having complete confidence that you can achieve incredible results in a very short amount of time?
Time is finite and precious - you can't make more of it, but you can control how you use it. This course will equip you with the knowledge and the techniques you need to use time efficiently and to your best advantage.Don't waste another moment!

* Learn the skills that will allow you to regain control of your time:
* Find out where your time is going
* Learn how to plan, organise and prioritise your time
* Discover how to balance work and leisure time
* Set targets and timelines - and meet them!
* Foil the time thieves - make the most of your precious time

This course is packed full of practical actions guaranteed to explode your personal productivity, achieve your goals and give you more time to live!
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Simplify Your Life
+ Is your life cluttered with physical and emotional junk?
+ Are you constantly in a race against time? Do you struggle to find a balance between home and work?
+ Are you often up at dawn, constantly rushing, struggling to meet deadlines, juggle child care, manage your home, trying to squeeze in exercise and feel that socialising is just another chore that needs to be scheduled into a never ending day?
+ Do you feel over worked and overwhelmed?

With so many demands on our lives its easy to get caught up in the ‘do it now’ trap. It’s time to take a step back from your harried life and make positive changes so you can make life easier for yourself.

Simplify your Life shows you how to:
* Identify what you need to reorganise and simplify in your life
* Clear emotional and physical clutter
* Manage your time better
* Increase your personal efficiency at home and work
* Take control of your finances and simplify your money management
*Manage stress for a balanced life.

In this course you will:

* Learn how to take control and responsibility of your life

* Clear clutter and organise your life and you will have more time for the things you enjoy
by simplifying your approach you will also have more time to focus on achieving your goals
and reaching your dreams and aspirations.
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